Where it all begins…

Showing: 1 - 10 of 15 RESULTS

Ensalada de Bacalao (Codfish Salad)

Ensalada de Bacalao (Codfish Salad) has been a recent new found love of mine. Growing up as a Puerto Rican going back and forth from the homes of my Grandparents to my Aunt’s and Uncles, there was always something traditional to eat and never a dull moment. Over the years I have strayed from my …


Jack in the Box

Jack in the Box is a play on a Vegetarian meal that even a Non Vegetarian will enjoy. I like to challenge myself at creating different meals that cater to anyone in any style of cooking. I’ve dabbled from the meat lover side of the spectrum to the vegetarian one. There are no limits to …


Pierogi Casserole

If you love Pierogis, you will absolutely love a Pierogi Casserole. While sitting down for dinner enjoying a plate of Pierogis, caramelized Onions and Sour Cream, my mind got to thinking about how I can deconstruct it and create a whole new meal. Not realizing the Pierogi Casserole was already out in the world to …


Shrimp Concoction Pasta

Shrimp Concoction Pasta is a meal brought together using whatever ingredients I have on hand. This is a perfect opportunity to take those leftover vegetables you have sitting in the fridge that you simply want to use up before having to toss them. Sautéing them with some good oil and assortment of seasonings brings everything …


Brunch Bagel

Brunch Bagel is my take on Breakfast and Lunch all in one bite. While I’m not much of a breakfast kinda girl, I do occasionally enjoy it from time to time though. I usually spend my mornings with a cup of coffee in my hand, my purse and out the door. Sometimes I just like …


Bacon Primavera

Bacon Primavera, a spin off of Pasta Primavera which consist of incorporating a variation of vegetables into a pasta dish. I mean, who doesn’t love Bacon in a plate of pasta? It isn’t set in stone what vegetables to incorporate into this dish. It’s basically what you have on hand that makes this dish Primavera. …