A common staple found in any Latin home that is used in cooking is Sofrito. Most Latin Style Sofrito combines Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Cilantro and other aromatic Herbs to create a sauce that enhances the flavors in any dish. While we use most ingredients at one point or another, let’s talk about the make up of Sofrito and what it can do for you.

Latin Style Sofrito is what I call my foundation in a lot of my recipes. It is used in my rice dishes, stews, soups, meat dishes as well as many other meals I prepare. Sofrito has a lot of variations to it. While the ingredients are pretty similar, it is basically what you have on hand that drives the flavor. From the fresh vegetables to the bright flavors of the herbs you incorporate and blending it all together to create an emulsion of flavors all in one. The added aromatics to your dish delivers an extra layer of flavor that takes an already delicious recipe to a whole new level.

My version of Sofrito incorporates a little secret. Roasted Red Peppers versus the use of Tomatoes. Keep in mind though, not all Sofrito’s incorporate Tomatoes. As I’ve mentioned before, common ingredients but not all the same. I love the addition of Roasted Red Peppers into my Sofrito as it adds a little something special to it. Maybe just my imagination going in over drive but the added roasted sweetness seems to balance all the ingredients and bring them together. The addition of this fabulous concoction in any of your recipes will have you creating a batch over and over again because the demand in using it will be limitless.

Latin Style Sofrito

An aromatic sauce that consists of a blend of different Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Cilantro and Herbs that is commonly used in boosting flavors in many Latin dishes.
Prep Time 15 minutes
20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Flavoring Agent
Cuisine American, Latin


  • Large Bowl
  • Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Food Processor
  • Freezer safe Containers with Lids



  • 4 bunches Cilantro Excess stems removed and washed.
  • 2 bunches Culantro If Culantro cannot be found, you may use additional Cilantro. Wash.
  • 3 Green Bell Peppers Washed, seeded and give it a rough chop.
  • 2 Red Bell Peppers Washed, seeded and give it a rough chop.
  • 12-15 Ajices Dulces Washed, stemmed and seeded.
  • 2-3 White Onions Peeled and give it a rough chop.
  • 20 Cloves of Garlic


  • 1 cup Roasted Red Peppers Sliced


  • Salt


  • Oil



  • Place all the prepped ingredients in a large bowl and give it a toss. This allows for a mixture of items to be processed. Grab and go.

Food Processor

  • Depending on the type of Food Processor you have, add the ingredients into the bowl but do not overfill. It is easier for my to put directly into the bowl, close than process on low versus feeding ingredients into the shoot. It is whatever is easiest for you. This will need to be done in batches.
  • I add a drizzle of Oil to assist in breaking down the ingredients. Midway through cycle, I stop and scrape the sides and give it a good mix. At this point, I check the consistency of it since I still like my Sofrito to still have a little texture. Give it a final whirl and place into a bowl.
  • Continue the process until all ingredients are processed and placed in bowl.
  • Add a couple generous pinches of salt to taste and stir to incorporate.
  • Place your Sofrito into freezer safe containers with lids and freeze until ready to use. Don't forget to store one in refrigerator to use immediately. This batch made 6 16oz. containers. Recipe can be cut in half if you are not looking to make a lot.
Keyword Bell Peppers, Cilantro, Condiment, Culantro, Garlic, Latin flavors, Onions, Sauce