At the end of the week and you are looking in the refrigerator thinking what items need tossed before you hit the market again. Why toss them when those little treasures can be combined to create new treasures. Everything Goes Pasta is just a fancy name for that one meal that helps clear out. The fridge of random items that may have been missed or leftover from a previous recipe.


This is your opportunity to try something new. While it doesn’t always make for a pretty site, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the flavors you create. With a little experimenting, you will be on your way to creating something that you just might love. Will it hit your menu several times more? Save that half of onion, that piece of sweet pepper or those leftover mushrooms. Show them as much love in a recipe as you would have in any other one. It’s those little morsels that become the star in a new Everything Goes Pasta on a Friday night menu just in time before hitting your next shopping spree.

How I did It

My version of this clean out meal was due to simply craving pasta but keeping it on a lighter side of things. I wasn’t looking for a heavy laden Spaghetti Sauce or a Meat loaded meal. After scavenging for what fresh vegetables I had in the fridge, out came the half a Sweet Pepper & Onion, a couple of Mushrooms, a section of Cabbage, a piece of Kielbasa and some leftover Heavy Cream. With the addition of some common household pantry items, I was able to put a little something together that was absolutely creamy & delicious. The leftovers the second day was even better. This recipe isn’t set in stone as items will vary depending on the items available in your fridge but the flavors will compliment any of your findings no less. Let’s look in your refrigerator and see what we can put together to create your next Everything Goes Pasta.

Someone’s castaways is another’s treasures.

~ Sandy M

Everything Goes Pasta

Linguine served in a Creamy Tomato sauce with Sweet Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, Cabbage, Beef Kielbasa and Langostino Lobster
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6


  • Deep Pot
  • Deep Skillet
  • Cutting Board
  • Knife



  • 1/2 Package of Beef Kielbasa Chopped into small bite size pieces


  • 1 Package of Langostino Lobster Can be found in frozen isle in the seafood section and is already cooked. May substitute for cooked Shrimp or Crab.


  • 6 oz Portabella Mushrooms Chopped or Sliced
  • 1 Yellow Onion Sliced thin
  • 1 Sweet Bell Pepper Sliced thin
  • 2 cups Cabbage Sliced thin
  • 1 can Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes May substitute for your favorite brand
  • 2 Cloves Garlic Chopped/Minced
  • 3 Fresh Basil Leaves Sliced into slivers


  • 2 cup Heavy Cream
  • Fresh Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Butter


  • 1 tbsp Garlic Herb Seasonings No Salt
  • 1 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1 tsp Creole Seasoning For a little spice
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • Salt
  • Ground Black Pepper


  • Olive Oil


  • 1 Package of Linguine May not need to use the whole package. Depends on how much you are looking to make.


  • 1 tbsp Bacon Fat Optional



  • Prepare Pasta following directions on package. Reserve 1 cup of pasta water for use in sauce.

Sauce Preparation

  • Heat Skillet on medium high adding a couple pats of Butter and a drizzle of Olive Oil.
  • When Butter is melted and Oil heated through, add sliced Sweet Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, Garlic & Cabbage. Begin sautéing until vegetables begin to soften.
  • Add the chopped Kielbasa, Bacon Fat (Optional) and stir to incorporate ingredients
  • At this point, add your Garlic Herb Seasoning, Onion Powder, Cumin, Creole Seasoning and a generous pinch of Salt & Black Pepper. Continue to stir ingredients together.
  • Once the Kielbasa begins to cook through and render its fat, add the can of Fire Roasted Tomatoes, Sugar and Heavy Cream continuously stirring to meld flavors together. At this point, you may taste the sauce to see if additional seasonings are needed.
  • Lower cooking temperature to medium and continue simmering until the sauce thickens for approximately 10-15 minutes.

Incorporate Pasta

  • At this point, Pasta should already be prepared.
  • Gently add Pasta into Skillet folding Pasta into sauce being sure to coat everything. You may not need to use all the Pasta. It will be based on your preference on the ratio of Pasta:Sauce. You may add reserved Pasta water at this time if Sauce is too thick or if you are looking for a little lighter sauce without losing any flavor.
  • Add Langostino Lobster and give it a final toss to incorporate flavor. Let it simmer for additional 5-10 minutes stirring occasionally to finish up the cooking process.
  • Top off with Basil and Fresh Parmesan Cheese.


  • Serve with a side salad and crusty warm bread for a fabulous date night right in the comfort of your home.
Keyword Kielbasa, Langostino Lobster, Linguine, Pasta, Tomato Cream Sauce