Nothing more flavorful than Seared Pork Chops & Murasaki Sweet Potatoes on any night of the week. It’s simple, it’s delicious and it’s fulfilling to my soul. That is some of my favorite things in life and that is all it takes to bring a smile to my face and a dancing trend in my kitchen. Now you know if I’m dancing in my kitchen, something is definitely playing a tune inside my.

Pork Chops come in all size and shapes and can be cooked any way you can imagine. You have Bone In, Bone Out, Center Cut, Blade Chop, Blade Steaks, Pork Loin Blade and quite a few others. You can sear it, bake it, fry it, grill it, smoke it and I’m sure there are a few more methods to try. While I love a good fried Pork Chop, it doesn’t always love me so I lean more into giving it a good pan sear where its juicy and browned around the edges and cooked in minimum Oil. Pair it with a good Baked Potato or a Sweet Potato and a side of a steamed vegetables and you won’t even miss that good ole fried Chop.

Murasaki Sweet Potatoes was a supermarket find for me. It is always an exciting moment seeing something for the first time and learning something new. Murasaki Sweet Potatoes are basically Japanese Sweet Potatoes. There skin comes in variations of red to purple and the interior when cooked is a creamy golden yellow with the sweetness of a dessert. Sounds pretty crazy but taste phenomenal paired with a good Seared Pork Chop.

Check out the recipe and lets talk Seared Pork Chops & Murasaki Sweet Potatoes. Keep in mind to make a perfect recipe, it’s all about the cooking technique you use, the flavors you instill and the belief in your Soul that your meal will be spectacular.

Seared Pork Chops & Murasaki Sweet Potatoes

Pan seared Pork Chops served with Murasaki Sweet Potatoes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • Skillet
  • Baking Sheet Pan



  • 4 Bone in Pork Chops or Chops of your choice


  • 4 Murasaki Sweet Potatoes May use regular Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 Bag of your favorite Salad Greens with Dressing


  • 1 tbsp Garlic Herb Seasoning No salt
  • 1 tbsp Seasoned Salt Blend of your Choice
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper


  • 4 tsp Butter


  • Olive Oil


Murasaki Sweet Potatoes

  • Preheat Oven to 400°F
  • Wash and pat dry the Murasaki Sweet Potatoes or regular Sweet Potatoes if using instead.
  • Pierce Sweet Potatoes with a fork several times to allow steam to escape while baking.
  • Rub a little bit of Olive Oil over each Potato and place on baking sheet.
  • Sprinkle a pinch of Salt all over each Potato.
  • Place in preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes or until fork tender. Baking time will vary depending on the size of the Potatoes. You may also cut time by microwaving for 5-6 minutes turning midway getting the same results.

Seared Pork Chops.. meanwhile!

  • Season Pork Chops on both sides using Garlic Herb Seasoning, Seasoned Salt (may use a generous pinch of Salt & Pepper instead) & Cumin. Let Chops sit for 15-20 minutes to allow seasonings to marinate into Chops.
  • Heat up Skillet on medium/high adding 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil.
  • Gently place seasoned Pork Chops in Skillet and begin searing for 3-5 minutes then flip them over.
  • Place a teaspoon of Butter on each Pork Chop allowing it just to melt over top. As it melts continue spooning over Chops.
  • Continuing searing another 3-5 minutes until done. Cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of your Pork Chops. Do not overcook as it will dry out and get chewy.
  • As the Chops seared, the Butter will sear into them giving them a buttery browned crust.
  • Remove from pan, set aside and let them rest to keep juices contained.
  • Sweet Potatoes should be ready to come out of oven at this point if you have not removed them by now.


  • Place your Salad Greens mixture into a mixing bowl being sure to add dressing and mix all together.
  • Put a layer of mixed Greens onto plate, adding Seared Pork Chop right on top.
  • Slice Sweet Potato in half, using a fork, loosen up the flesh inside, top off with your favorite toppings and place along side of Pork Chops.
  • If you have any melted butter leftover in pan, you may pour this over Pork Chops for added flavor.
  • Enjoy your meal !!!
Keyword Murasaki Sweet Potatoes, Pork Chops, Sweet Potatoes