Stuffed Turkey Loin and Loaded Sweet Potatoes Who says Turkey, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce & Sweet Potatoes is only served on Thanksgiving? I was dabbling in trying something new when I came across a rolled pork loin recipe. With Thanksgiving approaching, I thought I’d take a chance a creating something new even if it is a couple of weeks away. I mean I love Turkey and all the fixings so what I wanted was a recipe that combined it all. Here I introduce Stuffed Turkey Loin and Loaded Sweet Potatoes.

Bringing a dish together you must first focus on how each item will compliment the other. Turkey and Stuffing always compliments each other and is comely found along side a good old heaping of mashed potatoes. Today, mashed potatoes wasn’t in my forecast and Sweet Potatoes seemed a lot more appetizing to me so why not.. Turkey, Stuffing and Sweet Potatoes. I love the tartness of Cranberries and of course it is a great compliment to Turkey on Thanksgiving so we will make it all work today. Bringing it together with my favorite seasonings and cooking techniques just warms my soul just thinking about it.

Turkey is a healthy protein that can be enjoyed in many different recipes. It carries a great flavor on its own so imagine how much better it gets when you add your magic to it. It doesn’t need alot of seasonings but it still needs a lot of love to make it exceptional. With the right combination of simple ingredients, Turkey can hold up against any other protein and deliver a great tasting meal. Let me share my love with you on how you can bring a holiday meal on any day of the year in the comfort of your own home.

Stuffed Turkey Loin and Loaded Sweet Potatoes

Stuffed Turkey Loin with Herb Stuffing and fresh Cranberry Sauce served with Loaded Sweet Potatoes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • Large Pot
  • 2 Small Pots
  • Baking Dish
  • Cutting Board
  • Knife
  • Mallet



  • 4 Small Turkey Loins


  • 1 Small White Onion
  • 2 Stalks of Celery
  • 4 Sweet Potatoes


  • 1 Bag of fresh Cranberries


  • 1 tbsp Garlic Herb Seasonings
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1 tsp Pumpkin Spice (Optional)
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper


  • 5 tbsp Brown Sugar
  • 1 Small container of Marshmallow Fluff
  • 2 Jars of Turkey Gravy


  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1/2 cup Milk of your choice


  • 1 Package of Stuffing Mix


  • Olive Oil


  • Cooking Twine or Toothpicks


Prep Time

  • Dice White Onion and Celery and set aside
  • Butterfly your Turkey Loins
  • Using Mallet, gently pound out the butterflied Turkey Loins until nice and thin.
  • Season both sides of Turkey with a pinch of Salt & Black Pepper, Cumin, Garlic Herb Seasoning & Onion Powder and set aside.
  • Sauté your chopped Onions and Celery in a little Olive Oil in the pot you will use to make your stuffing. Onion and Celery will give it additional flavor on top of the stuffing mix itself. Prepare your stuffing by following directions on package and add the sautéed Onions and Celery to it. Once completed, set aside.
  • Prepare you Cranberry Sauce by following the directions on package. If you cannot find the fresh Cranberries, you can use canned Cranberry Sauce. Set aside.

Prepare Sweet Potatoes

  • Rinse your Sweet Potatoes under water to remove any residue. There are several ways you can prepare your Sweet Potatoes.
    If you are looking for a fast way to cook Sweet Potatoes, pierce a Sweet Potato a couple of times and cook in microwave 5-6 minutes turning it midway through cooking time. It should be soft and fork tender. Continue until all are done. Once cooled enough to handle, peel and place into mixing bowl.
    You can also choose the baking method and place in oven on cooking sheet and bake for 40-50 minutes until fork tender. Cooking time will vary depending on size of Sweet Potatoes. Same concept, scoop the inside out and place into mixing bowl.
    Lastly, you can also peel and cut them to 1 inch cubes and boil them for about 20 minutes or so until tender. Drain and place in mixing bowl.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of Brown Sugar, Pumpkin Spice (Optional), 1/2 cup of milk & 1 tablespoon of butter, a pinch of Salt to taste and using a masher, mash and mix until all the ingredients are incorporated and the Sweet Potatoes are mashed up. The consistency will be a little chunky so if you are looking for a more creamier texture, use your mixer and blend until smooth. Place in pot with a covered lid and keep on warm setting on stove.

Assemble Turkey Loins

  • Lay seasoned butterfied Turkey Loin on flat surface (cutting board).
  • Using a spoon or your fingers, press a thin layer of Herb Stuffing onto the Turkey being sure to leave 1/2 inch space away from the edge.
  • Spread a thin layer of Cranberry Sauce onto the stuffing being sure to maintain that same 1/2 inch space away from the edge.
  • Slowly begin to roll from one end to other and secure in place with a couple of toothpicks. You can also use cooking twine and tie a couple of pieces around it to secure it. Tuck the sides it a bit so the filling remains inside during cooking process.
  • Assemble all until completed.
  • Spray your baking dish with nonstick spray and lay Turkey Rolls in dish. Cover with foil and secure it tight.
  • Bake on 325°F for 35-40 minutes until Turkey rolls are cooked through and fork tender. Cooking time will vary based on your oven. I chose to bake on lower temperature to retain moisture as overcooked Turkey tends to dry out.
  • Once completed, remove and place on dish and let it rest.


  • Your cooked Turkey Rolls will produce some great tasting broth in the bottom of your baking dish.
  • Place the broth and your jars of Turkey Gravy into a small pot and cook on medium until heated through. Adding the broth from the baking dish to the store brought gravy makes it taste homemade. You can add additional seasonings in to doctor it up. If you prefer a homemade gravy, you can proceed with preparing your own by all means.

Prepare Brown Sugar Drizzle

  • Melt 1 tablespoon of Butter into a small pot and add 2 tablespoons of Brown Sugar. Simmer for a couple of minutes.

Marshmallow Fluff

  • Heat in microwave at 30 second intervals to soften to gooey texture right before serving.

Plate Your Dish

  • Slice your Turkey Rolls into thin pinwheel slices and place on dish.
  • Scoop a generous helping of Sweet Potatoes on the side. Top off with Marshmallow Fluff, a sprinkle of Brown Sugar and spoon the Brown Sugar Drizzle right on top.
  • Pour the prepared Turkey Gravy over the Turkey pinwheels.
  • Garnish as you see fit and enjoy.